Who is Academic Alliance Europe?

AAE builds bridges in international business and in international higher education. We work together with organisations that are internationally active and with European Universities of Applied Sciences.

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AAE works on being Fit

Organisations are social constructs; all its employees, managers and senior management work with shared assumptions about reality. What we believe to be true determines what we do. Thought and action emerge from relationships on what we believe, what works, what we care about; which is the positive core. If you are doing something that does not fit with your inner beliefs, work will be a challenge. Not impossible, but it will cost you more energy. If you enjoy what you are doing, work could feel like a hobby. Fit is the key-word here. Fit is what AAE wants you to achieve. Fit between employees and roles in organisations but also fit between what is learned at Higher Education Institutes and requirements of the future working environments of their graduates.

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