Well-educated & well-developed
AAE believes that Higher Education (HE) programmes should be linked closely linked to business results. Only well-educated and, more important, well-developed students can and will contribute to the tactical and strategic goals of the company. AAE defines “well-developed” as follows: during their HE-programme students develop competencies that are required in the organisation where they are going to work. This means that competencies must be defined custom-made for that company.
Every graduate of our programmes has studied and worked with real-life problems and challenges and already proofed to be productive during his or her study. They use concrete business cases from their own organisation, execute research and develop and propose practical solutions. Despite all this, we do realise that this is not always enough. Sometimes more work is needed to develop solutions to help realise the business goals. This is why AAE also offers Business Solutions. These business solutions are based upon the following 3 pillars:
The 3 business solutions pillars

Positioning and Productivity
Well positioned organisations unlock large growth potential. An important pillar for success is the alignment of strategy and organisation capabilities. Do you want to improve the Qualitative Growth of your organisation?
Internationalisation & HRM
Another pillar for success is to align organisational competencies with employee competencies. AAE believes that Higher Education (HE) programmes should be closely linked to business results. Only well-educated, and, more important, well-developed graduates can and will contribute to the tactical and strategic goals of the company. AAE defines “well-developed” as follows: during their HE-programme students develop competencies that are required in the organisation where they are going to work. This means that business competencies must be defined custom-made for that company. Do you want to have a better Fit for your organisation?
Innovation & Creativity
The third pillar for success is our belief that all organisations are innovative; we can identify innovation and creativity in any organisation. By identifying what works, we discover opportunities and we can help you to stimulate qualitative growth. This philosophy includes the believe that sustainable change can be achieved. This is what we call Appreciative Development. Do you want to increase Innovation and Creativity in your organisation?
Each combination has its own merit. We can tell you more about this and what the added value is.